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The crisis is not viral but capitalist

Presentation of the special edition

English translation from A Free Retriever’s Digest

dmd15specialthmbThis special issue of the review is dedicated to the crisis that has affected the capitalist system on a global scale[1].

The title ‘The crisis is not viral but capitalist’ expresses the thesis we support in the eight articles of this issue: it is an epochal crisis that finds its origin in the contradictions of the capitalist mode of production.

The pandemic has only exasperated and anticipated the explosion of this crisis, to the extent that in the months preceding the spread of the corona-virus there were clear signs that the world economy was rapidly marching towards a recession of historic significance.

The first article in this issue ‘The corona-virus and the communists today’ analyzes the role of the revolutionary vanguard in the new context that opened with this epochal crisis, and “wants to be an integral part of a wider confrontation, firm on the foundations of the new materialism, capable of looking at both present and future with a renewed and sharpened look.”[2].